Revolutionary inventions have reshaped how we function as a society and as a species, but none of them would be possible without the unsung hero of innovation: coffee. A cutting-edge coffee machine malfunctioning is a serious matter, as few devices contribute to making the world go round as much as coffee machines do. So when the local barista can no longer supply people with their cup o’ joe in the morning.
Read MoreWe like to introduce a new Teltonika Ethernet switch. A switch can be a crucial element in a network that significantly impacts efficiency and quality. Switches can vary by size, number and type of ports, setup complexity, level of control, power options, and other criteria. With these pioneer devices in their portfolio, they focused on creating tiny devices that easily fit into space-limited environments.
Read MoreDakar rally is a legendary racing event in the desert. Since the late 70s, it has become a phenomenon known by people across all continents, ages, and occupations. Lithuanians also love to watch Dakar, since more Lithuanian competitors started participating in different race categories.
Read MoreThe Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, the 3G wireless mobile telecommunication technology, is slowly but surely coming to the end. Some major mobile service providers have already announced plans to close their 3G networks in the coming year 2022, Teltonika.
Read MoreMotorsports are popular events all over the world, including rally type ones. Faithful fans have known that there is almost nothing more exciting to watch than a competing car or motorbike running a tricky section of the track while spitting gravel and dust.
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