RMS Connect for remote IoT Solutions

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1. March 2023 Teltonika

The average cost of a data breach is currently estimated to be around $4.2 million. It makes sense that companies want to secure their data at all costs, and the IoT sector is no exception. This is a worldwide problem, but is particularly relevant in North America, where the ransom cost per GB of data held by hackers is estimated at $39,000. Among the most targeted sectors are energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and defense.

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Teltonika’s new RMS packages

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10. January 2023 Teltonika

Teltonika Networks’ Remote Management System (RMS) is a user-friendly IoT platform that provides a smart way to manage your Teltonika routers / gateways completely remotely, securely and reliably. Teltonika now offers 3 new RMS packages. These are 2 device bound management packages for 5 or 10 years and a data package with 150 GB for the use of RMS connect / RMS VPN.

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Success Story – 1 Teltonika Router IoT preserves ancient underwater treasures

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21. July 2021 Success Story / Teltonika

Although there is a lot to see in the underwater world, there are no underwater museums. One of the main problems that held back the implementation of underwater museums was related to the complicated protection of the structures. In Greece, Teltonika IoT was used for the solution.

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RMS updates to the Teltonika Remote Management System

20. October 2020 Teltonika
With new technology like the RMS, a system is only as good as its regular updates. And at Teltonika Networks customer satisfaction has top priority. That is why they take the customer feedback seriously and are constantly working on various developments. Just recently, Teltonika made some exciting improvements to its [...]
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ATTENTION: Interruption of the Teltonika Remote Management System!

18. September 2019 Teltonika
Due to the mandatory maintenance of Amazon Web Services, this is Teltonika Remote Management System ( RMS ) at the: 30.09.2019 from 7:30 (GMT + 3) to 7:40 (GMT + 3) not reachable.
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Teltonika – notification of product changes

18. July 2019 Teltonika
We would like to inform you about product changes at Teltonika that may be important to you. Table of contents: Change of the TRB14 * order numbers Modification of the RMS licensing logic Changing the flash memory in RUT devices Change of the TRB14 * order numbers The changes concern: [...]
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