RMS Connect for remote IoT Solutions

TBlog - remote
1. March 2023 Teltonika

The average cost of a data breach is currently estimated to be around $4.2 million. It makes sense that companies want to secure their data at all costs, and the IoT sector is no exception. This is a worldwide problem, but is particularly relevant in North America, where the ransom cost per GB of data held by hackers is estimated at $39,000. Among the most targeted sectors are energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and defense.

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Teltonika’s new RMS packages

TeltonikaBlog 1 - remote
10. January 2023 Teltonika

Teltonika Networks’ Remote Management System (RMS) is a user-friendly IoT platform that provides a smart way to manage your Teltonika routers / gateways completely remotely, securely and reliably. Teltonika now offers 3 new RMS packages. These are 2 device bound management packages for 5 or 10 years and a data package with 150 GB for the use of RMS connect / RMS VPN.

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