The LPB Races to Mongolia

mangolia - race
2. November 2022 Panorama antennas

Every year teams of small 1000cc-or-less cars race thousands of miles across the globe from the UK to Ulan Ude to raise money for charity in the ‘Mongol Rally’. In summer 2017 Team Rainbow Dash, a team of three Englishmen, aimed to complete this feat and yet maintain connectivity despite the remoteness of their journey. They wanted to be able to still engage with their regular work and upload photos and videos of the trip.

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Safe Broadband Network with Panorama Antennas

antennaBlog - race
24. August 2022 Panorama antennas
FirstNet, the U.S. public safety broadband network for critical communications, is coming soon making connectivity a necessity, not a luxury. Already some trail-blazing services are using a broadband system in their operations. However, in 2018 one of these services, Mesa Fire and Medical Department in Arizona, experienced a 17-hour commercial [...]
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