MINEW Technologies

Minew – beyond the ordinary

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16. June 2023 MINEW Technologies

Minew was founded in 2007 and specialized in the loT field with creative, innovative breakthroughs. Minew owns over 100 patents and counting every day. The R&D team has a decade of engineering and management experience and is uniquely equipped to provide innovative products to industry problems.
SKILLS. Minew has increased assembly line capacity by another 200%

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Minew explains MESH Compatibility

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8. May 2023 MINEW Technologies

A mesh network is a local network topology in which the infrastructure nodes (i.e. bridges, switches, and other infrastructure devices) connect directly, dynamically and non-hierarchically to as many other nodes as possible and cooperate with one another to efficiently route data from/to clients. Mesh networks connect the infrastructure nodes in an easy, effective and wireless way, using inexpensive, existing technology.

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T-Finder App maintenance and updates are discontinued

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25. April 2023 MINEW Technologies

We would like to inform you that Minew will discontinue maintenance and updates for the T-Finder App as of July 1, 2023. As you may have noticed, there is an updated product called F6 on the market. This product supports Apple system and can be used with Find My App. We understand that this may come as a surprise.

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Wireless Sensor Network

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15. March 2023 MINEW Technologies

Wireless sensor network (WSN) is composed of a few to hundreds or thousands of nodes — spatially dispersed and dedicated sensors — that monitor and record the physical conditions of the environment and forward the collected data to a central location recording to Minew. WSN can measure environmental conditions such as temperature, sound, pollution levels, humidity and wind.

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Beacon Technology Solutions in Banking

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28. February 2023 MINEW Technologies

Ever since the invention of beacons in the year 2013, businesses have realized its benefits and adopted this technology. For this reason, we can find excellent reviews and statistics on the beacon technology in retail stores, airports, museums, groceries, and stadiums. However, there is not much information on beacon technology solutions in banking. So, if you want to know more, keep reading then.

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With C3 always an Beacon in your pocket

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8. February 2023 MINEW Technologies

Minews C3 is a USB Beacon tag with Bluetooth® LE 5.0, and it can be plugged into a laptop, desktop or any USB port supply. It advertises iBeacon & Eddystone (UID, URL, TLM) simultaneously and up to 6 broadcasting slots. The product is mostly used for proximity information pushing in shops, bus stations and events, etc. C3 is powered by a USB slot, cutting the cost of battery replacement and maintenance.

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AoA G2 Gateway Starter Kit

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11. January 2023 MINEW Technologies

The Minew AoA G2 Gateway Kit, the latest Bluetooth hardware with emerging Angle of Arrival technology, includes a G2 Gateway, four AoA locators and five 19.7-foot network cables, that provide indoor location service with sub-meter accuracy across all industries. Submeter class accuracy. Collect precision data based on Angle of Arrival technology and Bluetooth 5.1.

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MINEW E2 – Max Beacon – Max Range

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15. December 2022 MINEW Technologies

E2 Max Beacon is a max beacon with up to 240m broadcasting range and Bluetooth® LE 5.0 tech & 5 years of battery service. It is widely used in public areas including airports, train stations, and museums for indoor positioning or commercial advertising. Minew ‘s E2 is a very popular and modern iBeacon with ARM core chipset nRF51822 and BLE 4.0 technology. It is widely used in commercial advertising.

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Transform Your Workspace into Smart Office

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18. November 2022 MINEW Technologies
Smart Space, Smart Office in particular, is created convincingly by equipping the workplace with interconnected IoT Starter Kit MOS that leverages IoT technologies and devices for indoor environment monitoring, employee and work asset management, and workspace utilization. Start Designing Your Smart Office Solution with Minew IoT Starter Kit - MOS [...]
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Smart venues with MVS

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21. October 2022 MINEW Technologies
IoT Starter Kit MVS from Minew, highly recommended for smart venues, can be used to accelerate the venue intelligent transformation of achieving better management and meeting users’ customized needs. It includes everything you need for indoor route navigation, environment monitoring, personnel management, and more. TagCloud 2.0 for Demonstration and Testing. [...]
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