Non-verbal team play with “Syncro”
24. October 2024 Card Game

Can you win as a team by playing together without talking to each other? That’s the principle behind the cooperative card game “Syncro” from Pegasus. Read on to find out how it works and what difficulties await you.

Game structure and sequence

Anyone who doesn’t like poring over long rulebooks but would rather get started quickly can breathe a sigh of relief right at the start: the instruction booklet, which contains the basic rules on one side and the quests on the other, is very straightforward. There are also two pre-sorted stacks of cards that you simply place on top of each other. They contain monster, spell, overview, artifact and mist cards. At the beginning, however, you only play with monsters and spells. On both you will find numbers that give you information about the strength of the monster or your spell. At this point, it should already be clear to many how the game basically works: you combine your spell cards to defeat the monsters together.

Special features

So what makes Syncro different from other card games? The trick is that you first play your spell cards face down on the monster cards on display. You don’t know which spell cards your fellow players will choose. And you are not allowed to talk about it. The aim is therefore to recognize the strategy of your fellow players non-verbally, to “synchronize”, so to speak, and thus defeat all the monsters together. The more levels you master together, the better you will work as a team and be fit enough to take down the final boss at the end.


Syncro is an entertaining, strategic card game that offers enough playing time thanks to two chapters with four or five quests of increasing difficulty. We definitely find the unusual game principle, which prohibits any communication between players, very appealing. It makes Syncro a game that stands out among other card games. It is recommended for two to five people aged 10 and over. Thanks to its handy size, it is also ideal for taking with you when traveling.